Saturday, March 17, 2012

A little Green on my sweet boy.


 My Thankfulness list for this weekend:
1) that my baby didn't go into the hospital and we were provided with equipment to help him at home.
2) a job that has been understanding with me not being there
3) Kadence showing great interest in learning and doing his schoolwork
4) sweet smelling rain to wake up to this morning
5) yummy Corned Beef cooking in the crockpot
6) that we have the warmth of a warm fire as our blower went out on the heater......


Barb said...

A little green is right:)....he is growing so much and his eyes are so expressive. Hugs to you all and thankful he is getting better too.

Justin and Racquel said...

Glad he is feeling better! Adorable pictures!