Today Kadence and I tackled replanting and digging up the over grown rasberry patch by the back fence. It was quite the chore as most had died or only a few were remaining. However the new area looks pretty good and hopefully next summer we will have a few berries. This is pics of Kadence stading by the new patch. He was such a good helper with digging and helping me poor water on the plants. The photos are of a very tired little boy !:)
1 comment:
Thank You! Thank you! I am so excited to know there will be some raspberry bushes growing once again. It was a rotten shame the renters let them all die after having them all those years and getting so many berries. We do appreciate all you guys are doing around the Manhattan "home". That was fun to visit with Kadence on the web cam. He was so tired though after your busy day he just was falling asleep while we chatted.
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