Kadence and Joel beside the Cow Elk. This wasnt as exciting as the deer for him and he had a hard time understanding why we kept calling the Elk a "cow". :) Especially when he had just got to pet one of the real cows on the ranch earlier in the day. He told me, "No mommy those are cows(pointing at the ranch cows) this is an mommy Elk". Pretty cute, I really tried hard to explain but iam still not so sure he understood.

The Whitetail deer that Joel shot. Kadence was sooo excited and proud of his daddy and getting to see the deer. He kept running in cirlces clapping his hands saying"yah yah daddy shooting".

Another Whitetail deer pic near the kill site.

This is during mid day looking up the mtn scouting for Elk on the ridgeline.
Pretty exciting adventure for little guy. I am glad you had a good hunting day. It sure brings back lots of memories of many hunting "expeditions" we have been on.
I can remember Kadences' mom also getting excited at such events. A special appreciation for letting her dad indulge in some fond reminiscing and share in your joy!
With Love,
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