Thursday, January 28, 2010

Learning by Example

The challenge at Renaissance Blog this week was about "Learning" and I must confess the more I learn the more I realize how little I do know. Please read the following quote and think about it in reference to learning in your own life.
Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one's self-esteem. That is why young children, before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily. ~Thomas Szasz

Kadence is such a little helper to me and at this stage in his life he wants to do everything I am or at least have a try at it. It really is exciting watching a him  learn about the world and be so anxious to learn. It makes me want to teach him correctly and reminds me to be cautious of my own actions, as they are being modeled to him.
I attempted to capture two sequences of Kadence learning.The first is him in action helping me shovel the sidewalk off after our most recent snowstorm. He learned very quickly and was even able to use the 'BIG' shovel as I don't have one his size. (Just for the record he didn't want gloves on as it was hard to hold the shovel. So we only stayed out a short time for these pictures!)
 Learning to shovel snow...

I must explain this picture...after helping me on the walkway Kadence decided that it would be fun to just start shoveling the entire lawn. He made a path the entire length of our yard before I could explain why we only need to go where we walk.  Still not understanding me he looked at me and said, "Mommy we walk all over the yard", ohhh my try and handle that one friends.

Learning to read...


Bonnie said...

Oh my goodness, that picture of him sleeping is precious! And the snow shoveling! I don't like gloves either, so I totally understood that part....

Jemit said...

I love the reading pictures.. and especially the sleep reading one! So sweet!

Terri said...

The reading pictures are definitely my favorite!

Tracy said...

The reading pics are my favorites, and I wonder how long he was asleep before you shot that last one.

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

Well, he makes a good point about walking all over the yard. lol!

I love how the sun is shining on him in the reading pictures. The one of him asleep is just precious.

Paula said...

VERY cute! LOVE him sleeping with the book still open! :D

Barb said...

I sure like the snow...I already miss the cool is very hot and humid here. Nice job on your learning pic's....maybe I will have to try one of these weeks. Sure miss you all.

Rebecca said...

Your little guy asleep with that book is so precious! I remember both my children doing that very thing and it tickling my heart...

I also love that last photo of him on the couch with the book~ the lighting is *JUST RIGHT*. Perfect.

Glad you joined us this week!