Monday, February 22, 2010

A Walk Down Memory Lane in the Winter.

Since my birthday falls in February I usually always associate some sort of winter fun along with it at this time of the year. So please indulge me as I dug into some old pictures of "fun in the snow". The best memories come to mind and those involve time spent with family and being together. I am reminded how quickly time passes us by and how important it is to cherish the time we spend and invest with those we love the most. I love you all and thank you for helping make me the person I am today.


Barb said...

Oh my goodness fun to look back with you at some "old" pictures:) I do treasure many memories but the pic's really bring them back to life. This was a special way for me to wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I sure love you much. Mom

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday Angela!!!
Love you lots.....