Friday, June 11, 2010

Moving & A New House

Since my life has been a bit chaotic lately with moving and cleaning the other house not much time has been devoted to pictures. However this evening I did take a few minutes and take a few of the new house. I will be taking more as we get things put together and out of boxes. So bear with me as I feel like everything has become a chore lately. I captured a few cute pictures of Kadence the last few days in mom and dad's house playing that I am also including in this post. It was very bitter sweet for me to move as that house held so many good family memories. Although it is very exciting to FINALLY own our own home for Joel and I. I am really starting to understand that home truly is where your heart is and not so much about a building or place.

(This was in our empty bedroom watching a movie on the last day as we were busy moving boxes and furniture. He had made himself a comfy little nest !)


We really like the front porch swing. Kadence and I have allready been reading out there and swinging together.

....thats it for right now I will be showing pics of the kitchen and bedrooms soon. I don't think you really want to see pictures of boxes and lots of mess ! :)


Barb said...

Your new home looks so nice Angela and Joel. May the Lord be the center of it and bless you as you use it for His glory and honor. I am so happy for you and can hardly wait to come see you again...after all the work is done:) you all.

Justin and Racquel said...

Your house looks so put together already-it is such a cute place! Hope you are enjoying it all!