Friday, June 18, 2010

A Tribute to Fathers Day #1 : Grandfathers

The history of our grandparents is remembered not with rose petals but in the laughter and tears of their children and their children's children. It is into us that the lives of grandparents have gone. It is in us that their history becomes a future.
 ~Charles and Ann Morse


 I thought in honor of Father's Day I would talk about different men that have shaped my life and a special memory I have with them. Today I would like to share about my Grandpas'  and a couple things I remember special about them.
Grandpa Geiger:
 He was always quiet and kept back a little but whenever you took the time to chat he was very interesting to talk to with great stories about farming the old homestead, riding horses and how things have changed.  A simple man but very kind and loving to the large family.
He made beautiful wood carved jewelry and made sure all us granddaughter's received parts of his work.  I remember him one time letting me pick out whatever earrings I wanted. I chose these silver boots that he had carved and them painted with finger nail polish. He had a very funny smile as he told me what he had painted them with and that he really like the way they turned out.
Another vivid memory I have from when I was very young and grandpa and grandma had taken us kids fishing with them.  I was messing around and somehow the fish hook caught in my thumb. To this day  I still remember the pain and how hard I was crying. Grandpa graped my thumb and in the sternest voice I ever remember him using (probably why I remember so well) told me to hold still and he would take care of it. Funny how certain things stick in your mind..but Grandpa Geiger became a hero to me that day as he rescued my thumb from the fish hook.
One of my last memories I have is a time we visited him in the nursing home when Kadence was only a couple months old. He sat with him and talked so kind and held his little hand in his large wrinkled hand. I remember telling mom to take a picture because it was so special and meant so much to see that moment. Simple memories but still special !
Grandpa Petersen:
My memories are very small and from a kids mind as Grandpa passed away when I was really young. I remember him laughing and talking while grandma was making breakfast. I also remember the big garden and how I thought it was so gigantic when we would play in it. For some crazy reason I also remember sitting on his lap and laughing so hard with him ,probably getting tickled. 
Growing up I recall countless times when dad would say, "Your grandpa would say this about people or give this advice". I appreciate the advice to this day and recall many of those talks with fondness. I love to listen to Grandma talk about Grandpa and how they met and the things they did.  She has told me some wonderful stories that I really love and helped me know him more. I have always wished I would have been able to get to know him better, I think we would have had alot of fun together.

I thank my Grandpa's for their legacy and miss them both this Father's Day.


1 comment:

Barb said...

Pretty special indeed. Love you