Sunday, May 8, 2011

A new little friend: ''Lambchop"

Yes I am the crazy mama that at 5 months pregnant allowed my son to get a bum lamb to take care of. He is so sweet and follows me around the house and just cuddles right up to you. He is only about a week old and so is still very small. I guess I am now the official adopted mama. Kadence told me if I was his mama he wanted to be his daddy. So far he has done a very good job of helping us take care of him. Yes his name is "LAMB CHOP" and the name came with him and I didn't have the heart to change it!

1 comment:

Barb said...

"Lambchop" is sure cute...I always liked baby lambs too. A fun experience for all of you for a month or so anyway. Thanks for sharing the pictures.Kadence have fun taking care of your lamb and playing with him.