Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day 2010

Ladies Valentine Dinner...what a fun time of laughing, visiting and playing games together (no we were not playing poker BUT IT DOES LOOK LIKE WE ARE TRYING TO LEARN!)  I had so much fun and enjoyed getting to know some gals I haven't visited with in a long time.


My little Valentine Boy smelling the roses. He kept saying, "MMMM mommmy they smell yummy, so yummy I eat those!" Yes I know my child is sitting on the kitchen table but how else can you get a good photo of your child smelling roses ?

Sending lots of love to Singapore via our hearts. Mom and dad we miss you lots and hope you know you are always in our thoughts and hearts. I will just let you use your imagination on the words in the following pictures.


1 comment:

Barb said...

Thank you so much for the lovely pic's....wishing you all a special day too. Sure miss you lots. My love and hugs to you.