Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Eggs & A Little Bunny

   Life's tiny delight's can be found, I believe, in the eyes of a child enjoying something so simple as dyeing eggs. I  believe it is the time we spend doing things together with our children that those are the moments they will remember and cherish. I was so vividly reminded of this principle today !

    Therefore tonight we rolled up our sleeves and prepared to become colored. A little color did get onto the eggs but also a fair amount onto our little fingers (and my table). Anyone know how to get that crazy stuff off wood ?  I had to include a few preparation pictures as they really made the sequence. Kadence called his egg which you can see in the 4th picture a "dinosaur egg", he very patiently colored his work-of-art with the clear crayon before dunking it. Crazy thing is it actually does look like a dinosaur egg or at least what I think one would look like.  In addition Joel decided we needed our new Angora Bunny "Buster" included in the egg pictures. Happy Easter and please remember the true reason we celebrate our risen Savior.

Renaissance Blog with Rebbecca has many more interpretations on eggs this week. Go explore !


Barb said...

Looks like Kadence did a great job on his eggs...the colors are very nice. and of course the bunny sure adds a fluffy corner to the photo:)

Jemit said...

Very sweet

Your Fellow Sister said...

The bunny is SO cute! I love the last picture.

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest little bunny ever!