Sunday, April 11, 2010


This last weekeend I attended  a Women of Faith conference in Billings, MT. The theme of the conference was "IMAGINE"  and the key verse used many times was the following: "God can do anything, you know far more than you could ever imagine or request in your wildest dreams! (Eph.3:20 MSG)

Several of the key speakers impacted me in different ways but the one that I enjoyed hearing from the most was Luci Swindoll. She primarily addressed the subject of living in God's moment and not always being so worried about what is happening next or focusing on what we don't have in life. She used an illustration from a 3rd world country she had visited how the people were so destitute/hungry and yet when she started singing with them they broke away from all the ugliness and became lost in the moment with Christ.
   Her lecture covered many points on enjoying life and not wanting bigger and better but truly living with satisfaction. She also gave some neat tips on encouaging children in the same principles that she was teaching us; such as encouraging a love for music, poetry and the arts. I truly was so challenged and humbled by this topic and am so grateful for reminder I received this weekend on perspectve in my life and living it to the fullest for Christ.
Check out Luci Swindolls latest book called "Doing Life Differently" .

1 comment:

Barb said...

Hi Angela. I am so thankful you were able to attend and be encouraged through the various speakers. I look forward to reading the book you mentioned. Love you.