Thursday, April 8, 2010

Nikon Class Assignment Pictures

I recently finished my Nikon Essentials Class at F11 Photography in Bozeman. On our last night we were given a series of assinments using different functons on our camera's and applying principles. Since it was a snowstorm outside we didn't go to a park and instead just shot pictures down mainstreet and inside the store. I am posting a few of the better shots i took in the diffeent areas. I would like to give a huge THANK YOU to Jennifer for her explanations and assistance in the homework. The more I learn, the more I truly appreciate her photography and the talent she has.

                                                            Fast Shutter Speed

Metering Levels:


c) center-weighted

Slower Shutter Speed
Note: Look at the difference in the snow how the texture changes based on the shutter speed.
Faster Shutter Speed

 Greater DOF( depth of field)

Shallow DOF

Focusing Action(tracking the blue truck in a sequence of shots in focus)

Shallow DOF/Focusing(subject-white car in focus only)

Optimize Image Shots

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Good job Angela!! captured white snow :)

I think the moving truck with all else blurred is really neat. I have been wanting to experiment with panning like that, but we obviously don't have much traffic or movement so to speak of here. I think I need to plan a Seattle trip just to take pictures in the city.

Anyway......practice, practice and it will be easier to remember all the things you have learned and then be able to apply them to the correct situation.